Bom39 SpookySheety | VRChat Avatar 3.0
Content Detail:
- A Unity scene with Bom39 Spooky Sheety ready for you to upload.
- All dynamic/jiggle parts are using the new VRChat PhysBone updates.
- Full-body tracking compatible with advanced Avatar 3.0 Menus.
- Unity 2022.3.221f1
- VRCSDK 3.7 or above (Please import this asset/package before importing the content package.)
- Poiyomi. (Already included in the package, you don't need to import it.)
- Make sure to create a new project before starting!
- This avatar is only for PC version.
- Please do not upload as public, clone, resell or redistribute the model or parts.
This product is not currently for sale.
Bom39 Spooky Sheety
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